Sunday, October 18, 2009

Family Integrated Church

I used to teach a college-aged Sunday School class. Somewhere along the way, I got the distinct feeling that separating that group from the rest of the group was unhelpful at best. Since then, my conviction has grown to cover other age-segregrated groups as well. I now believe that the church is made up of families and that those families should worship together as a unit.

I'm glad that there is a movement that addresses this concern that I've had for several years now. The Family Integrated Church movement is gaining some momentum as various publications hit the street. Those interested should check out Family Driven Faith by Voddie Baucham and Perspectives on Family Ministry: Three Views, edited by Timothy Jones.


  1. This is how it was until the last century. We have thoroughly enjoyed Voddie's book but haven't read the other, thanks for the suggestion. I personally think that a Home Discipleship Church is more well-rounded than the Family Integrated Movement.

  2. Thanks for your comment. I'll look into the Home Discipleship Church as well. I just happened to find the two books I mentioned while I was walking down the aisle at the local bookstore.
