In recent history, black Christians have generally voted for the Democratic Presidential candidate, while white Evangelicals tend to vote Republican. Many white Evangelicals wonder how anyone could vote for a Democrat who supports the killing of innocent babies. And while abortion is wrong, perhaps we white Evangelicals should take a look at a deeper issue. Are we making an idol out of the Republican party? Are we trusting in Conservatism to “save” us?
The people of Israel had the same problem in Jeremiah 2. Instead of looking to God to provide for them, they looked to Egypt and Assyria. Therefore God confronts them. “And now what do you gain by going to Egypt to drink the waters of the Nile? Or what do you gain by going to Assyria to drink the waters of the Euphrates?” (Jeremiah 2:18).
Just as Israel looked to the Egyptians and Assyrians for peace and comfort, I believe that American Evangelicals look to politicians and parties for what only God provides. I understand all the arguments why we should vote this way or that. I just think that we Evangelicals need to stand back and ask ourselves where we get our identity from. If it’s in anything other than God, we must destroy those idols and return to worship the only God.